Thursday, February 1, 2007

First things first

My first step in building the Maine is to mount her to a building slip. Just as in building the real thing, my slip will allow me to work on the kit in a way that prevents damage to the kit. I mounted the model to a chunk of 1x1 pine scrap that I had in the garage. I used Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA) cement to glue the Maine down. PVA is a fancy name for good old Elmers white glue. When the time comes to remove the model from the slip, a little water and gentle prying should do the trick! In the mean time I now have an excellent "handle" for working on the kit.

If you are so inclined, before mounting the hull, you might want to wash it to remove any lingering mold release agent (a substance that helps remove the resin from its' mold). I find Combrigs kits to be usually pretty clean in this respect so I usually just give it a quick wipe with a cotton swab dipped in window cleaner.

Some people prefer to wash their parts religiously before beginning work. It's like always putting you pads on the same way before a football game...everyone has their own voodoo rituals.